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Common Name Latin Name (sorted) Plant Type
Gas Plant thumbnail Gas Plant Dictamnus albus Perennial
African Daisy, Cape Marigold thumbnail African Daisy, Cape Marigold Dimorphotheca sinuata Annual
Altai Blue Dragon's Head thumbnail Altai Blue Dragon's Head Dracocephalum grandiflora 'Altai Blue' Perennial
Purple Cone Flower thumbnail Purple Cone Flower Echinacea purpurea Perennial
Small Globe Thistle thumbnail Small Globe Thistle Echinops ritro ruthenicus Perennial
Red Feathers thumbnail Red Feathers Echium amoenunm 'Red Feathers' Perennial
Red Flowered Viper's Grass thumbnail Red Flowered Viper's Grass Echium rubrum Perennial
Wolf Willow thumbnail Wolf Willow Eleagnus commutata Shrub
Wild Rye thumbnail Wild Rye Elymus canadensis Ornamental grass
Giant Wild Rye thumbnail Giant Wild Rye Elymus cinereus Ornamental grass
Creeping Hummingbird Trumpet 'Orange Carpet' (Zauschneria) thumbnail Creeping Hummingbird Trumpet 'Orange Carpet' (Zauschneria) Epilobium canum garrettii Orange Carpet Ground cover,
Red Barrenwort thumbnail Red Barrenwort Epimedium rubrum Ground cover,
Yellow Barrenwort thumbnail Yellow Barrenwort Epimedium x versicolour 'Sulphureum' Ground cover,
Winter Aconite thumbnail Winter Aconite Eranthis hyemalis Bulb
Rabbitbrush thumbnail Rabbitbrush Ericameria nauseosa Shrub
Cut Leaved Daisy thumbnail Cut Leaved Daisy Erigeron compositus var glabratus Perennial
Desert Yellow Fleabane thumbnail Desert Yellow Fleabane Erigeron linearis Perennial
Wild Buckwheat thumbnail Wild Buckwheat Eriogonum Perennial
Common Wooly Sunflower thumbnail Common Wooly Sunflower Eriophyllum lanatum var. arachnoideum Perennial
Sea Holly thumbnail Sea Holly Eryngium planum Perennial

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