Lisa’s Garden

Lisa’s yard before the xeriscape project

Removing the sod from existing lawn area
Lisa wanted a low-maintenance, low-water front yard that would look attractive and fit with the cottage style of their house and white picket fence. To save on costs, they opted to do the work themselves. After designing the layout and choosing which plants they would use, they rented a sod cutter and went to work taking out all of the lawn. They kept some lawn in the backyard for their dogs!

Installing the irrigation system
The young but mature walnut tree stayed and they kept their fingers crossed that it would survive the root damage it incurred while they had to dig new trenches to re-route the existing irrigation system.

Construction of the brick pathway
A new patio area fulfilled their wish for an outdoor area to enjoy the evenings and socializing with their neighbours, while the adjoining pathway meandered around a walled planting bed to be filled with a mix of ornamentals and vegetables.

Plants set out for planting
After bringing in mulch and loamy soil to amend the existing clay soil, the fun part began! Planting – the shrubs, grasses and perennials were set out for planting based on a landscape plan and adjusted slightly. Larger shrubs and ornamental grasses that will reach 5 feet were planted along the fence line for privacy with a mix of white, yellow, purple and red perennials that will self-seed and fill out over time providing color.

Side view of the completed xeriscape garden project
A wrought iron bench was positioned to take in a picturesque neighbourhood view and oak rain barrel for collecting rain water finished off the look. Lastly, a layer of Ogo-grow mulch went on top of the soil and around the plants to retain soil moisture, prevent weed growth, and protect the plant roots in the hot summer and cold winter.

A wrought iron bench provides a wonderful view of Lisa’s hard work
We will be showcasing many other xeriscape garden projects around the Okanagan as our site develops. We welcome your stories, photos and inspiration. Please contact us at:
Share your xeriscape adventures with other gardeners in our community!