Learn how to plant trees and shrubs to support Okanagan birds through winter in your garden.
The OXA Blog
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Saving Seeds
Whether you buy blooming plants and tall trees for your landscaping or plant seedlings and seeds—it all really begins with the collection of seeds from mature plants.
Ground covers
Nature abhors a vacuum- If you have a plant there, chances are, you won’t have a weed. Ground covers are glorious!
Great Garden Choices
Clearly, change is afoot when it comes to gardening in the Okanagan. See what great choices are being made.
Prepping for Winter
Find out why to leave the leaves, don’t mow down the grasses
and allow perennials and annuals to go to seed.
Extreme Weather Gardening
Both extreme heat and extreme cold can cause damage to plants. Find out what we can do to help.