Whether you buy blooming plants and tall trees for your landscaping or plant seedlings and seeds—it all really begins with the collection of seeds from mature plants.
The OXA Blog
Plant Care
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Plant Hardiness Zones for the Okanagan
Knowing the plant hardiness zone of your garden is vital to choosing the right plants. It is a relatively simple concept that has some complications.
Fall Planting
Fall is a much better time for planting perennials. Find out all of the benefits in this article.
Hot Weather Gardening
Hot weather can be tough on even xeriscape plants. Here are some tips on how to help them survive.
Trimming Ornamental Grasses
Trimming your ornamental grasses depends on whether they are Evergreen, Cool Season, or Warm Season varieties.
Get the Most from your Perennials
The abrupt change to hot summer weather can be hard on plants. Flowers will fade more quickly. Now is a good time to do a midseason, major garden clean-up.